We Do Furniture
CDM360 provides the finest products and superior furniture solutions that are cost-effective, environmentally responsible and sustainable for the duration. We are brand and manufacturer agnostic. There are constant innovations, improvements and pricing options to attract and reward a sophisticated and open-minded client. Regardless of the solution being considered or specified, we offer sound advice and recommendations that will serve your interests, first, last and always.
This is the fun part, making your space all about YOU! What you need, what you want and how it will best serve your needs and priorities. CDM360 brings you a knowledge of what works VS. what is cool and how to get both.
Space Planning
Are you updating or optimizing your current space? Do you have more questions than answers? How will it fit, what should you move, how will it look, etc., etc., etc.? At CDM360, we have the tools, technology and talent to quickly show you the “How’s” and “Why’s” of effective space planning. You can plan on it!
Do you need furniture? Workstations? Offices or case-goods? What about seating? Café, mail room, records library? CDM360 can locate furniture solutions and get pricing from the manufacturers. More so, CDM360 is completely agnostic and transparent, offering you clear, ethical and definitive price and benefit reviews on your purchases.
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment, or “FF&E” requires professional service for break-down and move preparations, and, then, careful and accurate re-installation and placement. What if you have new furniture products that need to be installed, mounted or assembled? CDM360 has you covered. One call, infinite solutions.
So you moved out, merged, or acquired another entity? And now you have a lease space that needs to be cleared and returned to the landlord or property manager. We can help you get that furniture cleared, cabling and low voltage wire removed and have the space ready for release to the property manager or landlord.
You moved? You merged? You have furniture and equipment you wish to liquidate? Let CDM360 help you determine a market value and locate a buyer for your goods. Yes, we do that, too!
Where are your assets today? Are they cool, dry and secure? Can you access them easily and safely? Can you have them delivered or picked up whenever you need? We have a world-class storage facility with state-of-the-art security and controls. Keep your corporate property safe with us. We store art, records, hardware, furniture & fixtures.